Whatever we’re immersed in…

  • Relationships

  • Songs

  • Podcast Series

  • TV Shows

  • Books

  • Conversations

  • ……..

Is'n’t it INCREDIBLE how deep we can get and truly forget the world even for just 1 second, right??!!

  • I’ve discovered some noise-cancelling headphones which really allow me to go deep (guys these are headphones or earbuds that are worth it!!!)

  • I’ve been taking 10 minutes/day to read over notes that I MADE - notes that no one else has seen - but notes that I wrote 2 years ago at events but never bothered to read!! I mean seriously read and concentrate on. If you possess these kinds of journals I say READ EVERY WORD! It at least tells you what you were thinking at that time or it will reveal something you’ve yet to work on and that’s EXCITING!!

  • Masterclass (read up on it here) has grounded me, made me reflect on all my notes and be conscious about what I feed your brain! Is it time to feed yours?


I gotta admit; I’m a busy woman and creating a playlist is an unnecessary task - if I can outsource and use Spotify, I’m all-in!! YES I need to recognize that my taste ain’t your taste! Likewise, HER taste isn’t YOUR taste! Find the beats or the speakers that YOU love in your life!

RELATIONSHIP talk (whether this is a partner or friend or the relationship between YOU and YOU) :


Too often we try to please others or we meet the needs of society before we meet our OWN;

we’re diligent or obedient or nice, or good at cleaning the house, good at being the logical one…..

But it’s the relationships with OURSELVES that really counts; I’ve been on the journey of self-discovery, I’ve faced the pain and the darkness and the unknown and I HEAR YOU when you say “it’s tough” or “it’s unbearable” but I’m telling you; YOU ARE TOUGHER!! And above all; YOU ARE ENOUGH!

I feel I truly discovered the REAL ME when I no longer felt the need to justify what music I liked or what TV show I allowed myself as 30 mins escapism - we are all human and it’s natural to