
How you starting yo day?

Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day - your mamma was right!! I used to skip this; go straight for the coffee and granola bar.

2 years ago; skinny-fat and super low energy I QUIT and went ALL-IN with a new plan; a plant-based smoothie that I take every morning non-negotiable within literally 10 mins of waiting up! Changed my energy, changed my hunger, changed my abs, and it is MY LIFE! I’m all about sharing this!


Have you got YOUR Snack time down?

Listen-up: I’ve heard the GUILTY ADMISSION about snacking 1000 times over. But let’s face it; our body NEEDS snacks to control our hunger and stabilize our metabolism!

When I’m getting lean I am all about lean snacking! If I can get 15g protein in liquid form, I’ll take it! You gotta check-out our (somewhat FAIL) attempt of this pillowy coffee craze!



I AM STUBBORN. I’ll be the first to tell you that. It means when I want to make something happen; I will! BUT sometimes it holds me back…. and for years I stubbornly stuck to my one hour per day cardio regime because I was obsessed!!!

This is NOT how you get results!! I changed my nutrition and cut my cardio waaay more than in half!!! If you’re slaving away in the gym and crying over a lack of results; gurlfriend I want you to DM me like right now! Any questions about too much cardio and how much you need, I want to talk with you cause I need to know YOUR personal goals and YOUR current regime, so just book some time with me!