
Happy New Year Everyone!!!

SPECIAL MESSAGE ⬇️⬇️ I’d like to include ya’ll in at the end here so I’ll meet you at the bottom of this page 🥰

2020 - OH MY GOSH it’s here! I’ve never been this excited for a new year before - honestly we never did parties as a family, never stood outside with mobs of people for fireworks and we typically took down all the Christmas decorations so there was this kind of melancholy. No problem! Times have changed!

I feel 2019 was the year I took control of my life (I caught myself right there almost saying “I FINALLY took control of my life” but then that’s something we don’t do here, right? We’re not here to beat ourselves up or compare!

But yet; I understand and I want to acknowledge the doubt and fear and disappointment that tries to creep in…. am I alone in that I sometimes say to myself that I’ve under-performed? That I should have been further along by now? I should be making more income? I should have it all figured out… 🤦‍♀️ Anyone else brave enough to nod along with me?

And that’s just the disappointment part! We also might DOUBT ourselves, set a goal and then shy away from it, or remember last years resolution that didn’t quite happen so we doubt hat we can achieve anything (or anything BIG and meaningful.) How about FEAR - that’s a big one! I believe all our fears are just testing us. They’re implanted at some point as we’re growing up and “getting real” about the big bad world. But in 2020 what does that even mean?? We have more opportunities than ever, more data, more technology and travel and the world is our oyster!! No need to live trapped in fear, the only thing we should fear is MISSING OUT on all the amazing opportunities!!! It is a CHOICE, and yeah it’s a tough one, but it’s all up to us whether we challenge our fears.

Should I ask for that raise? But what if I’m not worth it…..
Can I commit to that weight loss challenge? But what if I fail?….
Will I enroll in that online course? But what if I can’t find time?…

Listen; we ALL have those thoughts, and what sits between us and their accomplishment is EXCUSES. The excuses we make for ourselves and the negative thinking behind them. Here’s what I would say to myself in the mirror, and write down and tell a friend to be 100% sure that these “what' if’s” disappear:

Should I ask for that raise? But what if I’m not worth it….. 

Hell yes, I deserve that raise and am prepared to make my case or leave and find somewhere I’m more valued.

Can I commit to that weight loss challenge? But what if I fail?….

Well, let’s find out if I fail. And if I do: I will learn from my mistakes and I will f**king try again!

Will I enroll in that online course? But what if I can’t find time?…

I will MAKE time, because if I’m not learning and growing, my future will look like my present and I deserve a freaking BRIGHT and ABUNDANT future!

Let’s decide right here, right now, you and me: are we going to be one of the ones who rise up, or will we let ourselves plateau? 🔥

For all my risers: don’t miss the Empowerment Series we’re hosting in January 2020. It’s 100% FREE, it’s 4x 45 minute live calls and these could change your freaking life!

DM me for info on all the platforms linked below ❤️


Love, Meghan xx